Family pass for the Montreal Biosphere! Valid for 2 adults and 3 children.

A class trip will be offered to the school with the second-highest score in the competition.

Photo credit: Yanncik Bergeron, official website

La Magie de la Chimie show by Yannick Bergeron for the school with the highest score in Greater Montreal!

All prizes are for indicative purposes only. The next official prizes will be announced shortly.


we would like to thank all our sponsors

rules of the become a supereco contest

  1. Contest organizer :

The “Become a Supereco” contest is organized by the Centre d’interprétation de l’eau (C.I.EAU), located at 12 rue Hotte, Laval H7l 2R3 Québec, Canada.

  1. Competition objective:

The contest aims to encourage and showcase climate action by young people aged 5 to 19 living in the province of Quebec, while promoting concrete climate- and water-related actions as part of the Canada-wide GenerationAction program.

  1. How to take part :

To take part, young people need to create an account on the competition website to create their Supereco avatar and carry out specific climate- and water-related missions.

Each completed mission is either marked as completed or not completed.

The more missions you complete, the greater your chances of winning a prize.

Participant identification must be verifiable (authentic identification, school and e-mail address).

  1. How to submit an assignment :

Participants must check off the assignments they have completed according to the guidelines specified on the competition website.

  1. Selection criteria :

Participants will be eligible for prizes according to the number of missions they have checked off as completed in their user account.

  1. Price :

Prizes will be awarded to participants who complete the greatest number of missions. Family passes are offered and will be followed by other awards.

  1. Winners announced:

Winners will be contacted by e-mail and must respond within one week to claim their prize. Claims must be supported by a designated parent or guardian.

  1. Rights of use :

Your participation includes any content to which you contribute, identification (e-mail, missions accomplished, grade level, school, region, etc.), or other submitted as part of the Contest with the GenerationAction program funded by the Canadian Association of Science Centres, without additional compensation.

By entering this contest, you represent and warrant to Centre d’interprétation de l’eau that you have all necessary rights and permissions with respect to the content submitted.

  1. Limitation of liability :

The contest organizer assumes no responsibility for loss, delay, damage or theft of information submitted by participants. Participants consent to the current Privacy Statement (CA) and Cookie Policy (CA) to which they adhere upon entering the website.

  1. Acceptance of payments :

Participation in the contest implies full acceptance of these rules.

  1. Modification of the regulations :

The organizer reserves the right to modify the present regulations if unforeseen circumstances so require, subject to informing the participants.

Laval, March 12, 2024.

Laval Interpretation Center of Water